One Leaf One World

Qing Yan sighed, "We don't know either. Ever since our sect was formed, we only ever minded our own business and were always respectful to everyone. We never offended anyone, yet that night, a woman came to our sect and suddenly killed a martial sister in the library without saying anything. And then, she went on to kill many, many more. She was so cruel!"

This nun seemed very timid, so Ye Mo asked, "Do you know if any important sutra was taken away?"

Qing Yan shook her head, "No, we didn't lose any cultivation methods, but we did lose the couple of Dao De Sutra volumes we had in the library."

"The Dao De Sutra?" Ye Mo's face changed. He was more than familiar with that book. At the Huo Family, he had gone with Luo Xuan to look for the Ni Luo Sutra, and it was hidden inside the Dao De Sutra! Had that woman come for the Ni Luo Sutra? He had also found that gold leaf inside but up till now hadn't been able to find out anything about it.