Power of the Level Nine Attack Formation

Luo Ying was still calm in the Sea Corner City, but Jie Youkui was worried again. She couldn't cultivate, she held Luo Ying's hand and asked worriedly, "Sister Susu, brother Ye has been out for six days and he's still not back, is he okay?"

Luo Ying smiled. "Don't worry, just cultivate, he will definitely come back in a few days."

"Okay then." Jie Youkui nodded.

Before no one dared to go around where they were, but these two days there were more and more cultivators coming. There were even some cauldron filling state cultivators looking over.

"City lord, that Ye Mo has been out for six days, theoretically he should've died in the Sea Corner right? There are many cultivators spinning around those two girls, should we take…" a disaster transformation state cultivator reported to Wang Jing.

"Idiot!" Wang Jing reproached.