Lift of a hand

Hao Qiongying shook her head "Martial brother Ye, I haven't heard of her. Do you know which sect she is from?"


"I don't know." Ye Mo felt sad. He didn't find Chi Wanqing on Luo Yue continent and hoped she would be here.


"Don't worry martial brother Ye, the continent is having sect tournament. This tournament would go for half a month. Almost all the sects would participate. If Chi Wanqing is in a sect, martial brother Ye can find out about her." Hao Qiongying quickly said.


Ye Mo thought, when his power recovered, his spirit sense can easily cover the entire continent. How could he be scared he wouldn't find Chi Wanqing then?


"You said your husband died in this tournament?" Ye Mo asked.


"Yes." Hao Qiongying said.


Ye Mo thought for a moment, "Let's go find a place to rest at the Xin Hai city and then take me to the sect tournament."