The Heartless and the Merciless


The two clinked glasses to success.

Wan Qing lifted the goblet to her peachy lips and decorously sipped her win. Then, she set the goblet aside before seating herself by a grand pianoforte. Her slender fingers skimmed over the black and white keys, giving birth to a tuneful and silvery piece of impromptu.

Mu swooped out a crystal bottle from his pocket. It only had the size of a thumbnail, but the blue substance within gave off a dreamlike color, exuding a peculiar shine of an unusual color.

This was a new type of drug that enabled that horde of mutants in the depth of the woods to unleash all their potential. This was a naturally occurring substance, but one that was difficult to extract. The astonishing effect, on the other hand, proved that all efforts that had gone into the production of this drug was worthwhile.