Fame Spread Worldwide

The bow had a body soaked in a coat of bleakly-colored paint, and there was not much of a luster left to it. It measured one and a half meter in length, and the body of the bow had a rocky texture as well as a rock-like color. It was brown and coarse to the touch. Overall, it was evident that the whole bow was an age-old artefact which had lost its regal bearing to the time that had passed by.

Chu Feng studied the bow for a long while, but his diligent examination yielded nothing in the end.

Yellow Ox was not content with this lack of findings either. The calf instructed Chu Feng to keep on shooting, however, all the arrows had been exhausted and submerged under the rock-strewn surface on the opposite hilltops.

Chu Feng even went up to the blasted hilltop to look for and recycle any of the used arrows that still remained in their integrities; but to his surprise, all the iron arrows had either been snapped or blasted into slices of iron sheets. Nothing was recyclable.