Mutated Parents

Rosy dawn filled the sky with charming glow. Sunshine cast onto the bedroom floor as well as Chu Feng’s goose down quilt. Chu Feng was in deep slumber. He felt the warmth brought by the sunlight and opened his eyes. It was, for him, a good and sound night of sleep.

The negative moods he had last night were all washed away along with the bloodstain. He was an optimistic person. He knew how to relieve stress for himself. It was a new day, so he wanted to live a new life. Chu Feng felt brimming with energy and vitality.

Chu Feng didn’t carry out his special breathing exercise this morning. He went knocking his parents’ door right after he got up. He was expectant. He wanted to know how they had changed overnight.

His parents had been sleeping longer than they used to be. Clearly, this was the functioning of the purple pine nuts. The nuts were transforming their bodies, otherwise, they would have gotten up already.
