The Kunlun Realm

All these world-shaking events took place because of Chu Feng’s simple visit to the Black Bear tribe.

However, the main culprit, accompanied by the Black Bear, was nonchalantly entering their secret grounds: the Medicine King Mountain.

This mountain was extremely famous in the Tibetan region, situated close to the Potala Palace [1]. Recently, after the great change, this mountain’s size and height had greatly risen, becoming even more scenic and majestic.

The mountains of the Tibetan region were originally vast, grand and full of vigor. At present, the Medicine King Mountain was surrounded by a veil of misty clouds, akin to a heavenly realm.

Following the small trail through the mountains, Chu Feng passed through forests of pines and cypresses, sparkling with translucent radiance akin to shining agate. A heavenly white mist suffused the whole area and a vigorous aura of vitality filled the air—it was as marvelous as it was mysterious.