Sacred Medicinal Garden

Vatican Divine City was like an unfurled ancient scroll with its rows of majestic architectures. Be it the cathedrals or castles, all of them possessed the solemnity of the vicissitudes of time.

"The city in which we stand is the same as the city recorded in the annals of history—the holy city where the glory of the Vatican was at its peak. It is indeed a miracle of God that such a city has re-emerged in this era."

The trio, accompanied by Ovidius, was touring around and learning about this mysterious city.

All these buildings have a dark golden luster to them. Through the baptism of the months and years, the whole city was suffused with sacred radiance.

"Eh, you are Chu Feng?"

Across them, a blonde-haired youth came over. His hair was sparkling brightly, as if a yellow golden fire was burning within it. His whole being was comparable to the Sun God; frightening rays of golden light would spill out of his eyes when he blinked.