Nuclear Resplendence

After the Golden Lion King escaped with heavy injuries that nearly ground down his shoulder and the entire right side of his body, the whole of Vatican medicinal garden was shaken!

"I wasn’t seeing things, was I? The one escaping at sonic speeds is the African Lion King?!" [1] Along the way, many were dumbfounded.

In the depths of the medicinal garden, Chu Feng picked up the golden chakram. There was not even a spot of blood; it sparkled gently like the masterpiece of a grandmaster artist.

On the ground, the Panther King’s body was laid in pieces—he had died a horrible death.

At the moment, all the beast kings who had arrived in the area were speechless. Even the Golden Lion King who had four severed shackles was defeated; who would not fear such Demon King Chu?

"What are you waiting for?!" Yellow Ox excitedly muttered; it was now time to reap the benefits. The whole garden was filled with resplendent fruits, a sight that caused many to drool.