"Queen" Trafficking

Hu Sheng’s pupils quickly constricted. His scalp felt numb as his hair stood on their ends. That head of silky golden hair became puffy all of a sudden. He backed off a little, poised to pull roots and run.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea of running. He knew what Chu Feng was capable of. If he ran, Chu Feng would always easily outrun him.

As for Xiong Kun, he was on the edge of crying because no-one else had gone as far as he did with his shameless boasting. He was the one who said again and again that Chu Feng was his little brother.

However, this "little brother" of his was slowly turning around on a chair, inches away in front of him. Chu Feng’s face was emotionless, but the look in his eyes was biting and murderous. Xiong Kun was scared stiff as goosebumps had grown all over him.