Against the Wind and Waves

The words breathing technique and exceptional hinted at its extraordinary qualities. At the same time, it made Chu Feng into a living target in the eyes of the public. He was certain to encounter disaster once people began to covet it.

It was especially easy to believe because, along his path to power, Chu Feng had always killed people who were stronger than him. First, he killed the Ash Wolf, then he took down Mount Pan before rampaging through the West and joining the intense battles at Mount Kunlun…

As someone of mediocre origins, his absurdly fierce growth caused everyone to be dumbfounded.

Just who would spread this kind of news? Chu Feng pondered as many faces flashed in his mind but then faded away. It was truly difficult to grasp the culprit.

There were simply too many people who could’ve done this. No proof was needed; one could simply spread his subjective opinion to the public and effectively make Chu Feng the public enemy.