Continuing Restlessness

The mountain woods were utterly destroyed as if one of the demigod giants had plowed through the region. Great dark cracks, several meters in width, were painted throughout the desolate landscape.

Blood dyed the fallen leaves red and many gigantic rocks were split open.

Chu Feng stood alone within the woods. He had killed over ten kings in a single battle, exterminating the whole lot except the Peacock King.

Such a huge incident would surely cause a huge quake if it were spread to the outside world.

He had swept through all his enemies this time like pulling out rotten weeds. Unlike last time, however, he didn't need to flee nor was he even wounded—he simply suppressed all the beast kings with great momentum!

Most importantly, he had slaughtered a peerless marine race expert with six severed shackles.

This kind of glorious martial accomplishment was enough to shock anyone because anyone at Qian Yue's level could be considered a top-grade expert on the continent.