Wounding the Golden Crow

Chu Feng was like a demonic god. He ground the Nine-lives Cat's heart into pieces, crushed his neck and watched his eyes turn dim.

He showed absolutely no mercy. Those who came to ambush him needed to be prepared to be buried.

A cold smile appeared from the corners of his mouth. He tossed the Cat King aside and rose to fight against the Golden Crow. Chu Feng wanted to take this rare opportunity to kill him as well.


Chu Feng's fist intent was terrifying. The visibly rotating Flood Dragon Fist tore the air apart as a black flood dragon screamed through the air to entangle the Golden Crow.

He rushed into the air in a decisive clash against the Golden Crow.

The whole sky was filled with raging flames. The seemingly omnipresent scarlet blaze almost caused the air to distort as the enraged Golden Crow fought against Chu Feng with astonishing murderous intent.