The Seal Breaks

Chu Feng didn't dare to be careless while fighting against the Sea God Tiger because he had heard too much about this marine race expert along the way. He was one of the most powerful among them.

His combat power was said to be at the top, and even powerful entities like the White Shark King were merely favored by him but not treated as equals.

He had heard too many of these rumors about him. For instance, how he had torn off one of the White Crane's wings, the Hollow Jade Temple Master's heart, and one of the Eight Vision Temple Master's arms. Even the black yak's horn was cleaved off by a stray energy beam which he casually shot out from afar.

If Yellow Ox and black yak didn't have the Golden Arhat Talisman and the Buddhist staff, they would've long since been killed.

This golden Sea God Tiger was notoriously powerful.