Decline After the Apex

"As such, you should treasure the present opportunity of becoming a peerless expert. Otherwise, if you enter another world one day, it'll be quite miserable if you can't even be a minor demon."

Yellow Ox patted the Manchurian Tiger's shoulder and tapped on the black yak's horns.

Not only were the mountains and rivers sturdy in those powerful worlds, but the order of heaven and earth were also closer to perfection. Lifeforms capable of breaking off mountains and splitting the ocean apart on earth would be completely suppressed over there.

The unfettered realm experts could only be minor demons over there.

Yellow Ox, black yak, and the others left for Mount Kunlun. They headed due west while braving the ice and snow.

That was because they were interested in the old temple on the Himalayas. They wanted to obtain the Thunderous Breathing Technique.