The Ritual Grounds of the Gods

The area turned dark once again after the bell waves disappeared.

Chu Feng didn't move recklessly. During the surge of Buddhist lights just now, even his bones were ringing continuously as if he was being hammered. His whole body was resonating.

As for the Snow Leopard King, his body was spasming and his expression was extremely pale. The Buddhist energy was able to suppress the deviant races inherently.

Night in the Himalayas was extremely cold. The chill bit right to the bones as the small snowflakes showered down from the dark night sky. When the cold wind blew, it was like the howling of wild dragons and tigers.

The ancient temple was close to the mountainside and only a corner of it was revealed—it was made from black stone arranged together. After experiencing the erosion of time and the pounding of the years, it seemed quite old. It was unknown how many eras it had gone through.