Hooking up With Your Sister [1]

The stars within the star system surged onwards—this seemingly vast and magnificent scene was actually a manifestation of different viewing angles.

If they were to zoom out and glance at the entire cosmos, what would these small stars amount to? They were extremely minuscule and even negligible.

All in all, the vast cosmos was deathly silent and filled with eternal darkness. There was no sound, no life, only cold loneliness.

Although there were many galaxies in the vast universe, sometimes it was difficult to find a vital body. Most of them were still in a desolate state following the big bang from countless years ago.

At this time, a certain chariot was galloping through the starlight at a leisurely pace. It traveled along an unknown path towards a remote and uncivilized corner of the starry skies.

Almost inconceivably, the chariot was fading in and out. It jumped through a wormhole, traveled through the starry sky and then selected a new wormhole as it sped into the distance.