Upon the Moon

The azure ocean rippled gently, transforming the rays cast by the sun into a field of golden fragments. The swift and elegant seagulls flitted across the ocean while whales would occasionally leap up from the sea, throwing up white waves and disturbing the serenity.

Chu Feng steered the dark green bamboo raft pensively into the Eastern Sea. Somewhat entranced, he admired the beautiful scenery en route.

He had come to borrow a flying saucer from the Dragoness, or to directly bid on one at the bottom of the ocean. Afterwards, he would charge towards the moon. He would not hesitate to take risks for the domain sagemaster's inheritance.

At last, he arrived and approached the Eastern Sea's crucial waters. A hawksbill sea turtle as big as a small hill emerged with a body equivalent to a little island. It looked intently at the uninvited guest who had just intruded into these waters.