Taoist of Many Treasures

Somewhere deep inside Mount Lu, everyone was shocked.

Chu Feng suddenly became iron-willed as he actually stormed into the folded space and the result was amazing. Everyone couldn't believe what was happening and were stiff like clay sculptures.

He was still laughing and joking just now, which made people think that he wasn't a serious person. But who would have known that his disposition would change abruptly and that he would attack thunderously like a demonic god!

Chu Feng stormed in by himself and made them suffer a crushing defeat—there were rivers and pools of blood with a group of knights lying in the middle of it. What a glorious victory was this?

How could a local evolver be so powerful?

Most of the people were muddled because this situation was out of everyone's anticipation.

The knights were howling in anguish at the moment while everyone was just watching quietly.