A Surging Storm


Chu Feng used the dark red lance like a large stick and swung through the air. It tore through the sky at a great speed, causing compressed explosions in the air until it hit Zhu Chengkuns's nape and sent him flying.

The pain was unbearable, and he could even hear the faint sound of his neck bones cracking. Zhu Chengkun's vision darkened and he almost fainted.

He fell rolling onto the grass and soil, excavating a big pit in the ground.

Caught within this domain, he felt his blood run cold as he completely lacked the ability to retaliate. He couldn't even see his opponent and was completely beaten down during the fight. This made him furious yet frightened at the same time.

Once he had identified the right direction, Zhu Chengkun began to run frantically. He wanted to charge out directly in one breath because he had once seen that the four brass pillars thrown by Chu Feng had a small range and its domain had a small area.