Love and Hate Entangled

On the Jade Sea, Li Lin had suffered a serious blow. She was the saintess of an ancient orthodoxy on a certain planet. Among the younger generation of her family, her strength was the greatest. In the end, though, she came to this declining planet and was suppressed by a native. She was so depressed she almost coughed up blood.

After less than one hundred and fifty moves, she had been struck in the left shoulder by Chu Feng's palm. The pain went as deep as her bone marrow. With a "plop", she had been thrown into the sea, creating a splash of sparkling ocean spray.

Chu Feng was amazed. He had activated the Thunderous Breathing Technique in the Equality of All Life domain, making his body golden just like that of a Buddha. He was both tenacious and powerful. At the same time, the Demon Dragon Fist's spiral force was incorporated into his hands. If someone were to be punched with a hand like this, he reckoned half of their body would be ripped apart.