Settling the Score

The foot of the altar was bloodstained with rocks, scales, and feathers lying in disarray. Smoke and dust rose as a testament to the intense and chaotic battle that had just occurred.

Zhu Wuque was about to go insane. One of his legs had been broken off just below the crotch, and the opening was gurgling and gushing scarlet, glowing blood.

The most hateful thing was what he saw—to his horror, Chu Feng had placed the big yin sparrow leg on the roasting pit and was barbequing madly over there.

This was simply unbearable! He saw that this savage bastard wanted to eat his leg. How was he supposed to endure this!?

The heavenly knights of the past would hunt for food on this planet and, as the descendant of the Nine Yin Sparrow, he carried great expectations. How could he fall to this piece of farmland?

Blood was squirting out from all over Zhu Wuque's body like he was about to burst. This was the greatest disgrace of his lifetime.