Stealing Myriad Techniques

On earth and in the starry skies, countless people were paying attention to this battle!

Within the Black Blood Arena of the Origin Beast Platform, everyone was in heated discussion. A person from the Ten Greats had taken action and caused a commotion among the youth of every vital star.

It could be said that this battle was the focus of the starry skies and drew the eyes of countless people. The Ten Great's every movement would cause great waves.

Would the legends hold true for eternity? Were the Ten Greats undefeatable and capable of suppressing all heavens?!

Or would the genius of the withered planet rise to power and tear destiny apart? Would he break the legends?!

The world was watching!

Earth, Eastern Sea.

The battle had grown even more intense. The two had broken their weapons and the fragments shot out in all directions. Then, they exploded in the air giving rise to terrifying mushroom clouds.