The Reappearance of the Sagemaster

The pair of big, pale moon-sized eyes in the starry skies instantly became frightening. It was as though two enormous golden lamps were floating in the emotionless, cold, and dark universe. Apart from this place, the other areas were quite dark and desolate.

He saw one "void projection" after another from the desolate outskirts of the universe. That rusting copper coffin darted from the depths of the universe and charged forward.

The solar system had originally turned pitch black, so much so that one couldn't see their fingers if they tried to reach their hands out. However, because of the copper coffin's reflection from countless galaxies away, a light erupted, and the scenery here gradually became visible.

"Interesting. A person who was confirmed dead can come back to life? That can't be possible!"

An unimaginable bigshot of the Deity Race spoke out. His voice echoed and caused Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn to tremble lightly.