The Cosmic Dark Prison

Beneath the glittering starry sky, Chu Feng hastened on with his journey and broke free of the star road with Xi. They infiltrated a strange starfield to meet up with Uncle Shu.

The Xilin starfield!

They had arrived at the Xilin race's headquarters, and this time their destination was the fringes of the territory!

Such an assembly obviously indicated something big was happening.

Chu Feng disappeared in the sea of stars. The sensation caused by the claim that he was the youngest superstar expert was still ongoing. All of the races were searching in hopes that they could make peace with him.

"According to what we know of the situation, this young man has the blood of the Deity race. He must be a descendent we left behind!"

A veteran journalist serving one of the media platforms controlled by the Deity race narrated this event with a tone of certainty as he tried to claim a familial relationship.