Piercing the Sky

On the wide platform, a three-legged toad with a bulging stomach and cheeks was glaring indignantly at the crowd.

It was an auspicious beast of great talent and power, capable of spitting out money to drop enemy weapons.

At first, the creature thought the toad would speak nonsense just like the black yak and the old donkey in order to inflate the price.

"I'm not like you, I'm an auspicious beast. Our race is extremely few in number, and whoever takes me away will have to worship me."

The three legged toad spoke coldly and with great confidence. It was extremely arrogant.

That was indeed the case. In a battle between evolvers, such creatures would often be invited to the front lines. Once the battle began, saint-level three-legged toads would spit out a rain of money and seize the opponents' weapons.