The World Awaits An Alarming Transformation

Even though it was nine o'clock in the morning, the firmament's sun couldn't shine down. The demonic cauldron in the stone forest was very simple and unadorned with primal chaotic qi pervading out of it.

Big black yak, Ouyang Feng, and Yellow Ox were laughing. Even though they had gone through nine deaths this time and come out alive, the reward they had gotten was too great. They were prepared to attack the outer realm!

"That group of dark assassins is in the outer realm. After we confirm their coordinates, we'll attack them!" said big black yak.

After that, every single one of them supported the cauldron's wall and familiarized themselves with it further. They wanted to control all of Mount Eternal, thereby making war with the outer realm and unleash a ruthless attack.

In the blink of an eye, a kind of robotic voice appeared in their heart.