Blasting All the Way

Yaoyao's grandpa was tall and strong, covered in black hair. His heroic build was quite intimidating as he charged over with the Great Deity in tow, smashing Wei Xilin with a single fist and splashing his blood throughout the starry skies.

This fist was too tyrannical—the target was a heaven-illuminator, a famed character in the universe since ancient times. Now, he was blasted apart in one blow.

Blood and bony fragments spread out, blasting apart some of the nearby comets. Masses of light ignited throughout the cosmos and shocked all spectators.

Wei Xilin was blasted apart just like that. Who would believe it? It was simply too terrifying.

He was the Xilin clan lord and the commander of the most powerful legion on earth. Although his character was flawed, no one had ever denied his power. This was a haven-illuminator who had lived since ancient times!

At this moment, the entire starry skies went silent for a moment and all evolvers were petrified.