Chapter 892 -- all the Saints had descended

The Great Abyss was pitch-black as ink and incomparably deep. It was impossible to see what was inside. Even if one had cultivated the heavenly eye, there was nothing they could do.

It was as if the universe had been split apart. There were all kinds of star remains nearby, all of which were huge star fragments. Their bodies hadn’t changed in size, but compared to the great abyss, they were like dust.

Chu Feng wandered around and felt a strange power calling and enticing him. It wanted to swallow him into the pitch-black, unknown region.

Many Saints had arrived. The nine Yin Sparrow had turned into a ten-meter-long bird. Scarlet multicolored light surged around its body and the blood-colored holy feathers glowed. It looked very splendid, but it could only illuminate a limited area. All the divine radiance would be sucked away by the Great Abyss.