Chapter 952, choosing to become a god

“Brother, take care. Let’s Go Reincarnate. In My Next Life, I, the Old Ox, will strive to be a demon ox with ideals, morals, strength, and Great Fortune!”

“This trip to the Yang realm, the old donkey, I want to truly reincarnate into a scholarly aristocratic family. At that time, not only will I be blessed with red sleeves, but my words will also suppress the gods!”


Before everyone left, Chu Feng shouted in the ancient cave of reincarnation. He understood that they were deliberately trying to dilute the sadness of parting.

The group of great demons whistled into the distance. His parents also called out to him to live well and not make things difficult for himself or carry too much weight. Qin luoyin also turned her head to look into the distance, and yellow ox nodded.