Chapter 969, Dear Father, I’ll fight it out with you

“Peacock King, nine-lives cat king...”Chu Feng was startled. He had actually seen these two from afar as he walked through the mountains. It hadn’t been easy for him to live until now.

Back then, these two were considered the cream of the crop among Earth’s early evolvers. They had fought against the human race and had even made enemies with Chu Feng. The nine-lives cat king had even been killed by him. In the end, the cat had nine lives and was actually resurrected.

Later on, they were very wise. They no longer made enemies with Chu Feng and became incomparably low-key. They had left with people from the outer realms and disappeared for a period of time.

Chu Feng was now extremely powerful. With a sweep of his soul light, he had seen through their thoughts. He discovered that these two were in dire straits in the outer realms and had returned with great difficulty.