Chapter 1018 Heavenly Embryo

This place was called Huaguo Mountain. The trees were lush and green, and green light flowed. The mountain was rich in exotic fruits. Pollen filled the air all year round, and it was famous for promoting the evolution of living things.

It was adjacent to the sea, and one could see the undulating silver ocean. The beasts in the sea were as large as mountains, and they occasionally appeared.

Near Huaguo Mountain, spiritual energy surged, and light flowed like a tide, bringing with it vigorous vitality. Red clouds surged, and Purple Mist surged. In particular, Yang energy surged, nourishing all living things.

In this area, there were strange rocks on the cliff, strange peaks with cut walls, and Ganoderma ginseng taking root among the stone peaks. Dense essence lingered around, and the fragrance assailed one’s nostrils.