Chapter 1048 fate of the Dragon Lair

Chu Feng charged in just like that. In the darkness, a row of eyes lit up in unison. There were a total of six or seven pairs of golden pupils. They were long and narrow, fierce and piercing. They carried astonishing killing intent and were incomparably hostile towards outsiders!

Actually, one could already guess why this was the case. The entire dragon lair was inhabited by a tribe. Now, all the adult dragons had been captured and some had even been stripped of their tendons and skin. How could the remaining descendants not hate outsiders?

Even their group of Dragon Whelps were facing a life-and-death crisis. They had to accompany a group of little evildoers to battle and hone their skills.

Some experts outside were chatting and laughing merrily. They were discussing how to use the dragon Lair to nurture the strongest successor. This was actually a bloody and naked law of the jungle.
