Chapter 1074 was related to the ultimate evolution

Within the interior space of the Golden Crack, there was an ancient stone table and a scripture formed from faint golden energy. It was completely silent.

Chu Feng didn’t make a sound for a long time, and it was rare for the nine underworld creatures to not speak either. They all sank into silence.

What they had seen and heard just now was too shocking. The Martial Madman had destroyed this place and shocked the world. The ancestral master Menggu had returned from the afterlife. It was sad and desolate.

That kind of battle between ultimate evolvers was enough to make one shudder!

At the final juncture, who was the ancestral master of ancient dream speaking to before he fell?

“That’s right. Not only did he speak to the most stunning beauty of the prehistoric era, but he also spoke to me. He placed too much hope on me,”said the nine Netherworld God with a solemn expression.