Chapter 1166: A Crazy Day

“Wake up, if you really want to trick him out, the world might collapse. Do you think No. 9 is easy to deal with? No. 4 is exactly like him. He once taught Li Feng!”

Lao Gu said in a deep voice, extremely serious. He called out his big brother’s name as a warning.


The Mo family was going crazy!

Originally, they had been waiting for Ji Dade to act atrociously, but in fact, they didn’t really believe that he could compel the strong to attack.

In the end, Ji Dade did not attack the Mo family’s headquarters, nor did he attack their ancestral home.

However, the consequences were equally serious. 100,000 dark hunters had attacked at the same time, and it was a sudden outbreak.

These people were like bloodthirsty devils who had broken out of hell, suddenly attacking the various branches of the Mo family. Many industries had suffered a devastating blow.

Some of the divine mines exploded on the spot, while some of the medicinal gardens were barren.