Chapter 1286, No. 9 VS Madman Wu!

Within the gray fog, that terrifying “Dong Dong”sound became increasingly dull and powerful, as if a person had awoken from an ancient slumber and was gradually gaining life.

However, this was also extremely terrifying. With a speed visible to the naked eye, black cracks appeared one after another outside the gray fog, and the Void was collapsing!

What level of creature was this? Was it difficult for this world to accommodate him?

The moment he woke up, the various indicators of his body were improving. They were all recovering and changing to their normal state. It was actually like this, causing dense cracks to appear in the void.

Wasn’t his true body too terrifying! !

“Patriarch, your disciple respectfully welcomes your return!”

Many people from this faction knelt on the ground and kowtowed piously. They felt their blood surging. The Invincible Patriarch had finally awakened and was about to sweep across the world!