Chapter 1384 -- the six heaven-cleaving elders


This was everyone’s choice. They had already reached this point and no one was willing to give up halfway. What’s more, this place was of great importance. It was actually related to a great empress!

Chu Feng’s emotions fluctuated like a surging ocean under the moonlight. He had never thought that the great empress mentioned by the Black Beast would appear here!

“It’s a win-win situation.”Some people spoke one after another. They valued Chu Feng’s strength and hoped to borrow his domain techniques to work together to ensure they could safely arrive at the final realm.

Chu Feng didn’t object this time. He was accompanied by a large group of people.

The terrain in the depths of the grand supreme was extremely complicated. Some areas were densely covered with vegetation and were accompanied by flames that shot up into the sky. However, the plants and forests didn’t die and their branches and leaves were still swaying.