Chapter 1475 the Ultimate World Travel

Someone held a spear and pointed it at the supreme!

The scene was silent and everyone froze on the spot.

Since ancient times until now, how many people dared to look down on the world and berate the master of the Soul River! ?

If it were to spread out, the Outsiders would definitely find it hard to believe.

Even the rotting corpse was stunned and widened its eyes. Those nine human skins were so arrogant and domineering, but could they really invite that person?

Dog Emperor’s mouth was also dry, and he swallowed with difficulty.

There was no need to say much about intimidating the supreme beings of the river of souls. This matter could be recorded in the history books!

Tai Yi, martial emperor, and the Masters of the Black Blood Research Institute were all somewhat dumbfounded.

They thought that they were arrogant enough in the world of the living, but after seeing nine paths one’s attitude today, they truly understood what was insignificant.