Chapter 1485 shook the past and the present

No one had sensed that a coffin had arrived in the world of the living. It was covered in Rust and was covered in the vicissitudes of time. It had not been wandering in the outer realm for many years.

Now, it seemed to be being led or controlled by someone. It was slowly approaching. It looked like it might fall into the world of the living!

“Why am I so scared? Is there something else going to happen today? !”The Dog Emperor was suspicious. It raised its head to look at the sky and then looked in the direction of the river of souls.

“Don’t tell me they’re really going to flatten the Soul River and completely destroy this place?”The decaying corpse said in a low voice.

This was very likely. If that person really returned, they would probably have to completely destroy this place.

Back then, that person’s battle achievements were too brilliant. He had been able to sweep away all enemies along the way.