Chapter 1502 had a total of how many branches of evolution there were

“Those two creatures... are both very strong. I think at the very least, they should have merged their branches and become a true cosmic level creature,”Yu Shang said as he made this judgment.

Chu Feng nodded. Li Li was indeed very strong. He was able to easily kill a cosmic level creature. He must have merged the two branches and walked on the Yu research path.

At this level, he was already terrifying and incomparably tyrannical.

At the same time, Li Fu made a coffin and blocked the buffer zone between the Netherworld and the Yang realm. His plans were very big. He was probably trying to break through some kind of shackle.

He even wanted to reverse the pollen path?

At this time, Chu Feng was also frowning. Thinking carefully, there was actually such a huge hidden danger in using pollen and fruits to evolve. In the end, it would explode.