Chapter 1529: Immortal Empress

She had killed a mighty figure with just one punch!

All of this was because Yaoyao lightly waved her pure white fist and dao patterns filled the sky. They looked like densely packed lightning bolts that covered the powerful reincarnation hunter and instantly tore him apart!

This mighty figure’s corpse was nowhere to be found. The bloody mist dissipated amidst the dao patterns that filled the sky and disappeared in an instant. It was as if this powerful creature had never appeared before.

The surroundings were completely silent.

On the battlefield of the two worlds, Yaoyao had ice-like skin and jade-like bones. Her clothes fluttered in the wind, and her black hair fluttered in the wind. She appeared ethereal and ethereal.

When she smiled, she was very brilliant, causing the heavens and earth to shine together and brighten up. However, when she attacked, she was also very cold. Although she was a woman, her actions were decisive.