Chapter 1624, the time treasure

“That’s true. His mentality is easily broken. Although he’s an emperor who has attained the DAO, he’s been severely beaten by reality. His mind is riddled with holes and he really can’t endure any more torment,”said Jiu Daoyi with a nod.

Chu Feng didn’t want to give him a good look. Since he knew he was in such a miserable state, why did he want to throw the new emperor directly into this great pit of an unknown realm just now?

“I didn’t think too much. A body like mine, which is impervious to all poisons, has been crushed by the passage of time to the point of numbness. From time to time, there would be bad news about my blood and relatives. I’m the only survivor in the world. Even in order to live and become stronger, I didn’t hesitate to skin, extract my bones, and refine my soul. What else was there to be afraid of? What else was there to be afraid of? I’ve long since gotten used to it.”