Trio Combination of Yin and Yang

He Mu, who could barely read, blankly shook his head. "I don't know."

With a book in his left hand, Meng Qi poured himself some wine with his right hand. After a sip, he slowly swallowed the wine and said, "This sentence is controversial. Some erudite men argue that the trio of the combination is Yin, Yang and the Sky. Yin could make things up, Yang could create things while the sky could foster things. When Yin, Yang and the Sky combine together, everything is created. Other erudite men who look up old scripts hold that Yin and Yang integrate with each other, creating the universe. And then everything is derived. Thus, in their poems, they doubt which of them is the noumenon and derivation."

He Mu was confused like a duck listening to the thunder. He totally did not understand, so he could just ask, "Teacher Su, what do you think about it?"