Jiang Hengchuan's Invitation

As the tune came to an end, Meng Qi stood up and walked to the other side of the abandoned yard. There were beggars and abandoned dogs staying there for shelter. He stood in the dark taking everything in until the music stopped. He kicked a stone at the abandoned dogs, causing a round of loud barking sounds.

The noise was loud, traveling far in the dead of night. Meng Qi and the dogs stared at each other as though they didn't want such beautiful music to end.

This was the other part of their code. When she finished playing, he would cause loud barking sounds to signal that everything was fine on his side too.

When the dogs stopped barking and everything was quiet again, Meng Qi left the yard to return to his own place.


The next day, Meng Qi and Jiang Hengchuan roamed the North Street to try and discover anything strange or unusual.