Beating Them at Their Own Game

"Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop!" As Meng Qi rode his steed down the street, he was brimming with questions, very much different from his outward carefree appearance.

To think he had encountered assassins from Unrelenting Tower!

After he had silently parted ways with Qi Zhengyan, he had constantly changed his appearance and his routes in case someone was following him. There were numerous paths that led to Shaolin Temple and the world was such a big place full of all sorts of people. He was also in disguise using Eight Nine Mysteries and other relevant materials. How would they have been able to find him if there had not been someone tailing him right from the start!

So how had the assassins from Unrelenting Tower been able to stop him?

To be honest, Meng Qi had not been caught completely off guard at the appearance of the assassins. It was just that he had thought the encounter would be like in his plans, and not a sudden one like that.