A Saber Cleaved in Half

The saber energy was as ethereal as smoke. As if it was born of hearts, it nonstop reminded people of unforgettable obsessions.

People in the mortal world would go through all kinds of loves, grievances, resentments, and separations. All of those unforgettable memories would grow on their hearts at midnight when they were sleepless, making them feel extremely regretful and sorrowful.

Fire Demon was not born a demon. It was a man once, so it had to have some profound trauma that could be evoked. Meng Qi's severe countercharge was living proof. Now, his heart was full of scorching flames. His eyesight was blocked by them, and the heat quickly spread along his other parts. He was in a state opposite of peace and quiet.

Fortunately, he had fought with Jiang Hengchuan, and prepared himself for the impossible countercharge and intervention. He used his heart sutras to forcibly compose himself again after feeling stunned for a little while.