The Heart-forgotten Cottage

The features of a woman were painted upon the mask. Majesty and mystery could be seen in the furrowed brows and clear eyes, reminiscent of queens or goddesses of mystical folklore.

She remained as still as a statue, so much that no one would dare desecrate her grace and solemness. Her mere presence commanded respect and fear.

Perplexed by the grandiose of her demeanor, the disciple of Thunderous Sword Godness didn't have the nerve to raise his head and steal a glance even though the maiden's appearance was concealed behind her mask. He slowly handed over the tiny ancient tripod with two hands that trembled with such meek submissiveness that he put a lamb to shame.

"Very good." A lovely voice came from behind the mask. Elation and frenzy overwhelmed the disciple as he shivered uncontrollably. She praised him! She approved of his effort!