The Three-life Temple

The Animated Peach leaped and disappeared into the dense veil of mist. It popped out curiously to eye Meng Qi before briefly vanishing from view once again.

Meng Qi loosened the sash from his waist. With a somersault, he leaped forward and sped ahead with blinding speed. Gu Xiaosang followed behind at a comparable rate, and illusionary blossoms of lotuses were appearing at her feet.

There was barely time for them to lament or grumble. Like a wounded beast, they hurried as fast as they could, for the pursuers of the Dharmakaya Realm could be at their heels any minute now!

The Fairy-banishing Pool gurgled as they passed by it, having claimed the lives of countless deities and immortals through the millennia of its existence. Many might have fallen into the pond during the fall of the Ninth Heaven. Without anyone to save them, they all lost their lives there as their powers were stripped off together with their ability to fly.