The Trailokyavijaya Wheel

The autumn air in September was crisp and refreshing, and the Shaolin mountain was covered with red leaves. It was a season of traveling due to the nice weather and beautiful scenery.

Despite being one of the greatest forces and the most influential sect of Zen practice, Shaolin did not take possession of the whole mountain. As they did not forbid anyone - including the woodsmen, hunters, and herbalists - from entering the mountain, many people of the Exterior Realm often went deep into the back mountain to hunt poisonous animals or practice their skills in martial arts. At the same time, many tourists had been making a tour to the front side of the mountain. However, once they went past the Mountainside Pavilion, which was very close to the Shaolin Temple, they would be blocked by the Deacon Monks who were patrolling the area as they were not allowed to go further.