Fulfilling A Childhood Will

Fulfilling A Childhood Will

The monk blocked the passage, nothing could emerge from the surface of Ju Ze, everything was calm and silent, yet the Afflatus King was infuriated. He held up the massive Golden Hammer beside him as he furiously roared,

"Hold that cow by his nostrils and extend his neck for me to hammer for a good three times!"

Along with a deafening rumble like waves, the sky grew dark above Ju Ze, causing the hole-like ripples to look prominent, deep inside the ripples appeared like an illusion as though it was connected to another universe.

Splash, every ripple had water spurted out, illusory but true, causing over three thousand miles of the vast pole to turn into a flooding world with sparkling and clear waves.

Here, there was a lot of gold, scattered melanite, ungrowable Aoki, and fires unable to ignite. Other than the power of the water and the corresponding rules, all others seemed obviously weak or even could not survive.